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Friday, January 20, 2012

Insta-Friday {my week in pictures}

1. Monday was my birthday and it was great.  This is the only picture taken on that day...I wish I had a picture from the amazing night of food, drinks and laughter with my crazy family, but this picture of the cupcakes made for me by my sweet baby sis makes me smile:) LOVE her.

2. I so enjoy finding random, flattering pictures of myself courtesy of my 6 year old...our budding photographer. She calls this one "putting the dog out".

3. I am so excited about my bargain wire basket I found...and so was our cat. Cats are weird. I am convinced this guy is the weirdest.

4. My love and I were able go help out with the Kindergarten snow activity field trip. It was interesting entertainment to say the least.  We had so much fun and our little one loved it!  Here we are on the bus. My husband was amazing with all the kids and one child said he was funnier than any clown..he is pretty funny;)

5. Found some super sparkly vintage buttons...still on condition...just the way I like 'em for creating RustikChic designs.

I hope you're week was fab! 
Do you Instagram?  Look me up! {rustikchic}

life rearranged


  1. I have a kitty that looks so much like yours! 'cept Bella has longer hair. :-)

  2. Heheh I love that your cat decided to sleep in the wire basket! That IS can that be comfortable?

  3. Well Happy Belated Birthday!!! :)
